Santa and Immigration

Picture of Santa

Serial flouter of immigration and customs laws.

Who does Santa think he is? Coming here every year from his home in Lapland, without a visa and without paying any import duties on the goods he brings to the UK. On top of that, he consumes a vast amount of mince pies and sherry, and he feeds his reindeer an entire crop of UK-grown carrots, then he swans off back home where he lounges around unemployed for most of the year!


Somewhat more seriously, this is an immigrant that we likely all support, one that provides an enormous benefit to the UK for both children and parents alike, so Santa is a great example of when immigration and reduced barriers for entry are a good thing.

Under the current Conservative strategy, Santa would be lucky not to find his goods confiscated and he himself on a plane to Rwanda. The less said about what might happen to the reindeer the better!

Immigrants are people, and people can contribute enormously to our society. That’s why I fundamentally oppose the demonisation of those seeking to come to the UK despite all the barriers that our government throws in their way. If you want to read more about what I stand for, look at my personal manifesto.

Merry Christmas, Seasons Greetings, Happy Hanukkah!