You Deserve Better

My Blog

As a former political candidate, I have a fair few views on developing political news in the UK. My blog here is the main way I can share that information in detail with you.

Same As the Old Boss… I mentioned before the election that Labour really weren’t the party of change that they were claiming to be. I said on a number of occasions that they were basically the continuity party and that their policies were functionally almost identical to the Tories they

This week we have seen a load of MPs swearing in Parliament, and one in particular seems to have landed in hot water as a result.  I am of course referring to the official “swearing in” ceremony for Parliament, and the MP that has gotten in trouble is Clive Lewis,

Last night we had the main Uxbridge and South Ruislip hustings, organised once again by the Hillingdon Chamber of Commerce. It was a relatively sparse event, with maybe 80 people in the audience, something of a shame given the size of the constituency but a reflect of how disillusioned people

As you probably know by now, my campaign is not a particularly well-funded one.  We don’t have the backing of wealthy donors with extremely deep pockets, nor are we gifted large amounts of cash by trade unions.  So we have to be very frugal with the money we spend on

This would be a much less wasteful thing to do with money than what Reform UK have in mind. Reform UK are on the move, but unfortunately it’s just another example of them wanting to play at politics without any real understanding of what they are doing.  I am referring

Returning to Uxbridge & South Ruislip once more and again hoping to be your next MP is Danny Beales.  Beales stood in the by-election last year, which I have already said was one of the biggest open goals for Labour in history, given the previous MP had resigned in disgrace,
